Hello to Handbag Harold Hill - bringing us together.

Look out for our flyer in Harold Hill Dance images Credit: Geraldine Pilgrim

Look out for our flyer in Harold Hill

Dance images Credit: Geraldine Pilgrim

Friday 23 October 2020 will be the launch of “Hello to Handbag” - a FREE online celebratory event by the Geraldine Pilgrim Performance Company, which aims to bring the local communities of Harold Hill together for a joyous gathering.

Using an iconic soundtrack, the event will unite us in these times of separation, using the simplest of props - a Handbag!

Being part of performance like this doesn’t mean you have to be a great dancer - you just need to be up for some fun!

Open to EVERYONE - all ages, sexes, all abilities from all communities! You are welcomed and encouraged to join this event - the more people we have online the better.

If you don’t have internet access or Zoom, don’t worry - we can help you to get online and join in.

The first meeting is on Friday 23 October at 7pm, followed by the rehearsal and performance on Sunday 25 October at 3pm.

If you would like to sign up for the Zoom link to enable you to join or you want more details about how to access the event, please click the button below:

Image: Geraldine Pilgrim

Image: Geraldine Pilgrim


Creative Community Support


Funding and Project Support for Creative Projects in Havering